(+36)-30-239-8727 (Attila Nagy)
E-mail the members!
Péter Magyar (magyarpeter_cd@hotmail.com)
Attila Nagy (nagyattila_cd@hotmail.com)
Gábor Eszenyi (eszenyigabor_cd@hotmail.com)
Péter Gyülvészi (gyulveszipeter_cd@hotmail.com)
Benjámin Joó (joobenjamin_cd@hotmail.com)
Balázs Kiss (kissbalazs_cd@hotmail.com)
Zsófia Nagymarczi (nagymarczizsofia_cd@hotmail.com)
Dóra Albert (albertdora_cd@hotmail.com)
Downloads (Freely available)
"The Cantus Decorus Singers" (MS Word document, 55,5 kbytes)
"A Cantus Decorus Énekegyüttes" (MS Word document, 62 kbytes, in Hungarian)
Cantus Decorus (JPEG-picture-file, 558 kbytes)
Cantus Decorus - logo (JPEG-picture-file, 644 kbytes)
Mátyás Seiber: Three Nonsense Songs
(Recording from the finals of the Béla Bartók 21st International Choir Competition, 29.07.2004.)
(WMA-file, 1,21 Mbytes)
György Orbán: Mint mellékdal
(Recording from the finals of the Béla Bartók 21st International Choir Competition, 29.07.2004.)
(WMA-file, 559 Kbytes)
György Orbán: O, Mistress Mine
(Recording from the finals of the Béla Bartók 21st International Choir Competition, 29.07.2004.)
(WMA-file, 559 Kbytes)