Cantus Decorus      PÉTER MAGYAR
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The singer of the highest part of the choir, Péter Magyar ended his studies in the Zoltán Kodály Primary School at the music section in 1994. During the years in the Cantemus Children's Choir he travelled to several places in the Wrold and within Europe as well. In the Cantemus Boys' Choir first he sang sopran, later alto and tenor; he has participated in festivals and choir competitions several times.

After the pause following the years in the Children's Choir after the breaking of his voice , he has sung as a counter-tenor actively from the spring of 2001 on. Currently he is a student of the singer-faculty of the Music School in Józsefváros, Budapest; and occasionally he sings in the Cantemus Mixed Choir.

He got his degree in politology at the Faculty of Law at the Eötvös Loránd Sience University; and from 2003 on he continous to read law at the same place at correspondence course.

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Photos: Ágnes Harman